Embrace Your Life

Adulthood and the Transition to Psychological Maturity

  • Recognize your innermost spiritual being
  • Acknowledge and accept your life task
  • Realign and find new direction using a methodical expansion of family constellation work

Though seemingly an adult, we often behave like children and, especially in important and emotionally charged situations, are unable to act in an adult fashion.

With the Life Integration Process (LIP) Wilfried Nelles introduces a new approach that helps us to see and feel the inner sense of ourselves and the inner vision of our lives. We carry in us this vision − often forgotten in the daily course of our lives − from the very beginning. Through the LIP, we can connect with our inner being and vision and the pains of our life can recede to the background. Then we can accept life the way it is and embrace it.

Translated by: Samar Nahas

Wilfried Nelles

Embrace Your Life

Adulthood and the Transition to Psychological Maturity

208 Seiten | Broschur

ISBN 978-3-942502-43-6

Bestell-Nr.: 222-50243

€ 16.00 (D) • € 16.50 (A) Printausgabe vergriffen. Als Ebook weiter erhältlich.

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